What can we expect from the latest maternity services inquiry in Nottingham

All eyes have been on Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust since the largest independent inquiry in NHS history was launched into failings at its maternity services in September 2022.

However, it’s not the first of its kind. We take a look at what we can expect from the latest Donna Ockenden report in 2025 and what came before it…

What is the Nottingham maternity inquiry?

The independent inquiry into maternity failings at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust is being headed by senior midwife Donna Ockenden.

Ockenden and her team are speaking to over 1,900 families who have experienced stillbirth, neonatal death, maternal death or babies diagnosed with brain damage at Nottingham City Hospital and Queens Medical Centre since 2010. Over 700 staff have also come forward to talk to her.

Donna Ockenden will produce a report of her findings and recommendations for the trust in 2025. It is anticipated to be a damning review pointing at systematic failings within maternity services and calling for dramatic changes.

But, it is not the first time Donna Ockenden has reviewed maternity failings in the NHS.

The Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust report

In 2016, Donna Ockenden was appointed by the UK Secretary for Health & Social Care to chair an independent review into maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, following growing concerns about mother and baby safeguarding.

The final report, which became known as the Ockenden Report, was published in March 2022 and revealed extensive and shocking maternity failings.

The team found that a total of 201 babies and nine mothers could of, or would of, survived if the NHS Trust had provided better care. A total of 600 cases of medical negligence were linked with the inquiry and investigated by police.

What should we expect from the Nottingham maternity review?

This latest review by Donna Ockenden into maternity failings at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust looks to be equally as revealing and devastating as the Shrewsbury review.

We are already hearing routine reports of staffing issues, medical negligence, a cover-up culture and racism and discrimination being uncovered by the inquiry team.

Ockenden’s latest report in 2025 is likely to highlight these failings in detail and provide a lengthily list of recommendations to improve care and patient safety, including safer staffing levels, improved staff training and systems for learning from failings to avoid future incidents.

The Geldards team is watching the progress of the latest Ockenden inquiry with great interest, and we will continue to keep reporting developments to our followers as they come in.

How can we help?

Our team have experience guiding clients through cholesteatoma cases, you can read more about this here. If you have been affected by a cholesteatoma and wish to speak to one of our medical negligence experts, please contact Linda Williams at linda.williams@geldards.co.uk


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